Homepage: http://delphidoc.sourceforge.net/
Project-Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/delphidoc/
Documentation of the Components
Shows all options sorted by their category. After selecting an option it can be viewed and changed on the right. Categories can be collapsed to see the other options better.
If double clicked the current option is toggled if it is a boolean value or an enumeration. By clicking the current option again or pressing F2
you can edit its value directly in the tree as a text, F4
will focus the dynamically created control of the option, F3
will repeat a search.
A help text for the currently selected option will automatically be extracted and shown in this control. The help text is extracted from the HTML file "options.html
" in the sub-directory "Documentation". You should open it with your browser to have a better overview of all available options.
With this beam the size of the tree view and the component showing the help text can be adjusted. If the help text is minimized it will not be extracted anymore. Just click it and move the mouse up or down while holding the mouse button pressed.
A simple dialog to search options can be shown by activating this button. A search text can be entered and the attributes of the options to search the text in can be chosen. The last search can be repeated by pressing the F3
Shows the name of the currently selected option.
Shows the category of the currently selected option.
Shows the default value on creation of a new generator of the currently selected option.
Allows the editing of the value of the currently selected option.
Shows the attributes of option, "No Read" means the option can not be read and will always show some kind of a default value, "No Write" means that any attempt to set the option is ignored and options marked with "Changes Options" may change other options when changed. Options marked with "No Read" or "No Write" won't be saved to a file.
Shows the class the currently selected option is defined in.
This group box shows the values of the currently selected option and allows the changing of the value.
In this component the class to show the options of can be set. The generators are classes inheriting from common base classes. If you only want to edit options specific to a class you can choose here what class' options to edit.
In this radio group box you can choose what/how many classes' options you want to edit.
Loads the options from the file Delphidoc.ini
in the same directory as the executable file.
Loads the options from the file the user selects.
Saves the options to the file Delphidoc.ini
in the same directory as the executable file. Options with the "No Read" or "No Write" attribute won't be saved to the file.
Saves the options to a file the user selects. Options with the "No Read" or "No Write" attribute won't be saved to the file.
All common options are saved for all objects that understand the options, not just all options for the main topic (the current generator object). To do that all options are written in a section of its topic (defining base class), thus all common options will also be read by other object understanding that topic (i.e. other generators).
Shows the description of the currently selected option.
Closes the window.
Please see one of the contained components for a more specific help.