Homepage: http://delphidoc.sourceforge.net/
Project-Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/delphidoc/
Documentation of the Components
These two list boxes show all files in both sets of parsed datas. Select an entry to show the identifiers of the file in the list box below it. Select a file in the list box next to it, to compare both files. If they are different messages describing the found differences will be logged in the text area at the bottom of the window.
These two list boxes show all identifiers of the files selected in the list boxes above them. Select an entry of a record-like type (record, class, etc.) to show its members in the list box below it. Select an entry in the list box next to it, to compare both identifiers. If they are different messages describing the found differences will be logged in the text area at the bottom of the window.
These two list boxes show all members of the record-like types (record, class, etc.) selected in the list boxes above them. Select an entry in the list box next to it, to compare both identifiers. If they are different messages describing the found differences will be logged in the text area at the bottom of the window.
Is an entry is selected in one of the list boxes it will be compared with the entry in the other next box in the pair next to it. If they are different messages describing the found differences will be logged here.
For each pair of list boxes of files, identifiers or members there are two check boxes.
If the upper one is checked and you select an entry in one of the list boxes the program will try to select the matching entry in the other list box.
If the lower one is checked only those entries in both list boxes are shown, to which no equal entry in the other list box exists. So only different entries are shown what should ease the comparison.
Drag on of the three splitters on the form to change the sizes of the components.
Please see one of the contained components for a more specific help.