Homepage: http://delphidoc.sourceforge.net/
Project-Page: http://sourceforge.net/projects/delphidoc/
Documentation of the Components
The file to show the identifiers and its source code of can be chosen with this component. These files are sorted in the reverse order they are used, so more general files should be at the beginning and more specific ones at the end, and $INCLUDE
d files at the very end.
The source code of the selected file is shown in this component (read only).
All identifiers of the selected file are shown in this list box. Via clicking the position of the definition is shown in the source code component. Double clicking will show the implementation if available.
If you select an identifier that is declared in an included file you will be taken to the included file and an button is shown to return to the original file. Similar, when an error occurs or you select a message on the main window and the associated identifier is shown, there will also be this button if it is in an included file and the name of the including file will be shown.
The propotions of the source code and the list of identifiers can be changed by clicking and dragging this bar.
Some statistics on the selected file can be shown by choosing this button.
Some statistics summed up on all parsed files can be shown by choosing this button.
Please see one of the contained components for a more specific help.