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General Note on the Options

When generating the documentation several options may be set to specify how it should be generated. The lists of all options of all generators follow in this file.

Remember, these options can be set by reading them from an ini file or directly from the file DelphiDoc.ini in the same directory as the executable file. They can also be set at the command line, in Windows for instance by a creating a shortcut (link) and adding the parameters. For example -o AutoLaunchDocumentation=true will launch the documentation after it has been generated.

The generators are in a hierarchy, every generator also contains the options of its more general ancestors. Generators with common ancestors can also share the values of the common options. So be sure to take a look at all available options of the generator of your choice.

These lists of options may grow anytime. It's the simplest way to add features and to make the generator suitable for the different requirements of different people in different situations.

Options of the Generators


The directory, where the documentation should be generated to.
The name of the project to be included in the documentation.
Whether the generated documentation should be shown/started after its generation. This does only work in T(IC)HTMLDoc and T(IC)PDFDoc and also in T(IC)WinHelpDoc and T(IC)HTMLHelpDoc if it is automatically compiled. This won't work with Kylix at all.
Whether only public identifiers should be documented.
Whether identifiers (or files) with these portability issues should be excluded from the documentation. Include "D", "P", and/or "L" for deprecated, platform or library.
If identifiers with these scopes should be excluded from the documentation.
If members with these scopes should be excluded from the documentation.
What kinds of identifiers should be excluded from the documentation.
What kinds of record-like types should be excluded from the documentation.
What kinds of functions should be excluded from the documentation.
What kinds of members should be excluded from the documentation.
A comma-separated list of pascal names of files that should be excluded from the documentation. The names are the pascal names, so don't include the file extension. Syntax: [File[,File]*]
A comma-separated list of names of identifiers that should be excluded from the documentation. The access paths to the identifier can also be specified separated by a dot ".", i.e. for members the record-like type it is a member of or for all other identifiers the file, it can also be specified for the record-like type of a member. Syntax: [Entry[,Entry]*] with Entry being: [File.][RecordType.]Identifier


The options to define how the diagram looks and what it contains use the same syntax/semantic as the inline command ~[diagram ]. Please take a look at its description.

The name of the file to save the image of the diagram of the classes or files to. The default extension is ".bmp". Also possible extensions are ".png", ".svg", ".svgz", ".emf", ".wmf", ".jpg" and ".jpeg".
The name of the file to save the link map of the diagram to. If it an empty string, no link map will be saved. If the file extension ".txt" is specified (it's also the default extension), the link map will be saved as a DelphiDoc inline command ~[image ] to include the image of the diagram as a simple image and add the links to the classes/files on it. Any other extension will save a HTML image map.
Used to select the format of the image the diagram is exported as. By default the format will be selected by the file extension of the specified file name. If none was specified the diagram will be saved by default as a bitmap. The smallest files can be archived by using compressed Scalable Vectors Graphics (SVGz), but Portable Network Graphics (PNG) might be more compatible and generate the second smallest files.
The character encoding of the source code files as it should be used for generated SVG images of diagrams.
Can be used to set an option for the diagram. This is the same as specifying one in the inline command ~[diagram ], only without the leading slash "/". Note, that you can only add one option at a time, also this option is write-only.
Can be used to add files or classes to the diagram. This is the same as specifying them in the inline command ~[diagram ], only without the leading plus sign "+". Note, that you can only add one collection of classes/files at a time, also this option is write-only.
Same as "Add" only remove the files/classes, and of course without the leading minus sign "-". This option is write-only.
Sends a parameter, that will be used to set "Option", "Add" or "Sub". It decides to which option to set it to, by the first character, just like in the inline command ~[diagram ]. A leading slash "/" makes it an option, a leading minus sign will remove files/classes and a leading plaus sign or any other character will add files or classes. This option is also write-only.
Each parameter will be assigned to "Parameter", parameters are separated by one or more spaces. This option can also be read again and will return a stirng describing the current diagram (and will probably be much longer than the value assigned to it).


If the paths of the files should be ignored and all files saved directly in the given directory.
If always the whole path (without drive if possible) should be extracted.
If always a directory for the drive should be created (only if AbsolutePaths is true).


The name of the file to save the parsed data to. Default extension is ".ddd".


This is a pseudo-generator, it does not generate documentation about the parsed data!
Instead it generates a Delphi unit with the current translations of the texts that would be used in documentation about parsed Delphi code, you might want to edit the unit afterwards. All these options have to be specified!

The English name of the language the texts have been translated into (languages start with a capital letter). It will also be used as the base name of the unit and an identifier.
The name of the language in the language itself.
The two (low) letter 639-1 ISO-Code for the language, f.i. "en", optionally after an underscore with the geographical region (the flavor), f.i. "en_US".
The name of translator/author to be used for the copyright notice.
The name of the language the translation was based on. For every entry equal to the text in that language a notice will be logged.


Indention of enclosed XML-Tags (per level). If you want to read the source of XMI file, also for debugging etc., all nested tags can be indented. A value of one or two should generate a nice and easy (or at least much easier) to read XML source. Use zero for no indentation in ordert to create smaller files.
Name of the character encoding to set for the XMI file, for example: iso-8859-15, UTF-8, iso-8859-1, windows-1252.
Name/URI of the DTD file to include in the header of the XMI file. A DTD file uml13.dtd will be created if option CreateDTDFile is true (by default). uml13.dtd is also the default for this option. Globally correct URIs may be better to use, so take also a look here: If the string is empty no DTD-Tag will be generated.
Name/URI of the XSL/XSLT file to include in the header of the XMI file. A XSL file xmi.xsl will be created if option CreateXSLFile is true (by default). xmi.xsl is also the default for this option. You can create you own XSL/XSLT files to generate other formats or view it in a brwoser etc.. If the string is empty no xml-stylesheet-Tag will be generated.
If the DTD file for the XMI file should be created with the name uml13.dtd.
If a (sample) XSL/XSLT file for the XMI file should be created with the name xmi.xsl.
The kind of record-like types not to export as classes (only as simple data types). By default records and dispatch-interfaces are not exported as classes.
The name of the XMI file to create in the directory (i.e. without path).


Whether the files showing the inter-dependence between the files should be generated. Xfig, WMF and SVG files can be generated. By default all three will be generated, you can select the formats with GenerateFileAndClassesTreeFormats.
Whether the files showing the inheritance tree of classes and interfaces should be generated. Xfig, EMF and SVG files can be generated. By default all three will be generated, you can select the formats with GenerateFileAndClassesTreeFormats.
In which file formats the files showing the inter-dependence between the files and the inheritance tree of classes and interfaces should be generated. The Xfig (Figures under X), EMF (Enhanced Windows Meta File) and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) formats are available.
The minimum size (number of lines) of the body of functions to be reported as long functions. All functions using more lines in its body will be reported with their size in a list in the documentation.
Whether an ini file, "HelpContexts.ini", mapping the help contexts to their destinations should be generated. All values are in the section "HelpContexts", the names are the number of the help contexts and the values are the destinations. The format and meaning of the destinations depend on the generated format.
Whether a simple file, "HelpContexts.txt", containing the mapping from help contexts to the destinations should be created. The format is the same as with the option "GenerateHelpContextIniFile", just that the initial section line is missing.


Inserts a line break at each line break in the source code at the comment.
Filter some sections of the documentation (mostly lists).
Whether the headings of the help topics instead of the internal component names should be used as key words for the generated documentation as help on a GUI.


Creates the CSS file only if it does not exist yet.
The file to insert instead of the default text at the beginning of each HTML file. The texts <topic>, <keywords>, <mainpath> and <encoding> will be replaced with the actual values, case does matter.
<topic> will be replaced with the title of the page, <keywords> with all key words of the page and <mainpath> with the path to the main directory of the documentation, in most cases "" but may also be "../" or "../../", it can for instance be used to link to the common CSS file. <encoding> will be replaced with the character encoding as specified with the option "CharacterEncoding".
The file to insert instead of the default text at the end of each HTML-file.
Name of the character encoding to set for the generated HTML files, for example "iso-8859-15", "UTF-8", "iso-8859-1" or "windows-1252".
Whether special HTML-characters should not be quoted and just passed on into the documentation, handy if the source code is commented with HTML format. All special characters, <, >, & and ", have to be quoted manually, if not used as HTML tags (as &lt;, &gt;, &amp; and &quot;). When employing this options of course generating the documentation in a format other than HTML will intersperse the text with the cryptic HTML tags.
Whether Cascading Style-Sheets should be used instead of some (deprecated) HTML tags and attributes.
Whether XML conform (well-formed) files should be generated. Other option may be used to make the files further XHTML conform.
Whether the XHTML header should be used instead of HTML 4.01 (transitional). Options "XMLConformity" and "UseCSS" should also be enabled. But a note as warning, the format may not be perfect. Some inline commands in the comments may cause a non-conforming file to be created (like a link around a paragraph boundary or images in ~[preformatted text]). Browsers may (and should) deny the rendering of faulty XHTML files, thus the user will not see the content but an error message. So if this option is used, all files should be checked with an XML validator before distributing them. To force browsers to actually render the files using XML, the option "FileExtension" should also be set to ".xhtml".
The extension of the (X)HTML files to be created; can be changed to ".htm" for better compatibility or to ".xhtml" if option "XMLConformity" is enabled. Be sure to include the leading dot "." before the actual extension.
Whether a HTML file should be generated that can be called with the number of a help context to redirect to the topic specified by it. The help context should just be added after the file name and "#HC". This is done with the help of ECMAScript (JavaScript), if it fails (f.i. because JavaScript is disabled) the user will be left stranded on the page, to work at least partially around that you might want to use the option "GenerateVisualHelpContextRedirector" instead.
Whether a HTML file should be generated that can be called with the number of a help context to redirect to the topic specified by it. The help context should just be added after the file name and "#HC". This is done with the help of ECMAScript (JavaScript).
For each help context a visible link will also be created which will be automatically shown, so even if the redirection fails the user has only to click the (highlighted) link to get to the actual documentation.
Whether the simple diagrams showing the inter-dependence between the files and the inheritance tree of classes and interfaces should contain links to the documentation of the files and classes in the image format Scalable Vector Graphics.
The image format in which diagrams should be exported can be selected, the default is "PNG" - Portable Network Graphics -, also supported is "SVG" - Scalable Vector Graphics -, which could be much smaller and powerful, but the support for this format in browsers is sadly after 9 years still in its infancy. "SVGz" for compressed SVG files is also available but the browser support for those is even worse.
If diagrams are exported as SVG files (via option "HTMLDiagramFormat") the links on the classes and files can be included directly in the image file instead of the HTML file embedding it. This is the default and preferred because SVG files are dynamic and the shown position of the files and classes may change below the link mask, and because it won't work if a plug-in is used to show the image.


The path and name of the HTML help compiler "hhc.exe". If not set the generator searches the compiler on its own.
Whether the HTML help project should be compiled automatically after it has been generated.
The name of the CHM file to create in the directory (i.e. without path).
The source HTML files can be spread to several sub-directories. This makes it possible to generate HTML Help even for big projects on volumes formated with FAT32, which has some limitations on the number of files per directory. Be aware of this, if you use custom headers for the HTML files and you use a global file (f.i. the CSS file), that you have to prepend <mainpath> to the file's name. Either no sub-directories can be used or one sub-directory for each pascal file or even sub-sub-directories for all record-like types in the files.


Creates the help project files only if they do not exist yet. This option can be usefull in case the files were customized.
Disables compression of the help file (faster compilation, but the help file(s) will be more than twice the size). Compressing the help file take considerably longer than the whole rest of the generation, so it would probably be better to only use compression for the final documentation.
The path and name of the help compiler "hcrtf.exe". If not set the generator searches the compiler on its own.
Whether the help project should be compiled automatically after it has been generated.
The name of the Windows Help file to create in the directory (i.e. without path). This is important because the content file will be named the same way, and they can't just be renamed without losing the linkage between them. It is also the base name for additional files when using the option "ExtraWinHelpFilesFor" and leaving the option "ExtraWinHelpFilesPrefix" empty.
For which parts of the documentation extra files should be generated to split it into several files in case it gets too substantial to be compiled by the Windows Help compiler. The files will use the value of the option "ExtraWinHelpFilesPrefix" as part of their base name unless it is empty, in that case the value of the option "FileName" is used.
Parts with help contexts should not be split into several files, this means especially the additional user documentation should not be splitted from the help on a GUI.
Prefix for the extra Windows Help files, if empty uses the value of the option "FileName".
Whether a file mapping the help contexts to the help files containing the topics they point to should be generated. The created file "HelpContextFileMap.ini" will contain only the section "ContextFileMapping". In it the keys are the help contexts and the value the name of the file their topics are defined in. If only one help file contains all topics for which help contexts are defined, an additional entry "all" will written (as the first entry) with the value being the name of the file.


Here are only a few options, you are expected to adjust the main file DelphiDoc.tex according to your needs.

Creates the main LATEX-file DelphiDoc.tex only if it does not exist yet (in case you want to change it).
Uses simple texts without links to refer to other identifiers etc.. That's more suitable for printing.
Whether special characters should be translated via the "CharTranslation_<nnn>" options. Some packages/versions of LATEX seem to support reading non ASCII texts and use an encoding, so the manual translation can be disabled here.
The characters the character with that ASCII code should be replaced with. LATEX has only a small set of normal characters, most character have to be created by commands or special character sequences. I don't know what sequences to use for each character and it may be character encoding dependent. So you have here the chance to define them yourself.


Uses the font Helvetica/Arial instead of Times (New) Roman.
Size of the font to use in points.
Factor of the size of the current font to get the distance to the next line.
Color of links inside the file as RGB integer value, format $BBGGRR can be used to enter it hexadecimally.
Color of links to the Word Wide Web as RGB integer value, format $BBGGRR can be used to enter it hexadecimally.
Color of links to other files as RGB integer value, format $BBGGRR can be used to enter it hexadecimally.
Color of string constants as RGB integer value, format $BBGGRR can be used to enter it hexadecimally.
Use the font Courier, Helvetica/Arial or Times (New) Roman when printing number of pages etc..
Size of the font to use when printing number of page etc..
Style of the font to use when printing number of page etc..
Width of the pages in the file in centimeters, default is 21 centimeters for A4 after ISO 216 (DIN A4).
Height of the pages in the file in centimeters, default is 29.7 centimeters for A4 after ISO 216 (DIN A4).
Margin on the left of the page, where no text is written.
The paper format to use (to use a standard paper size) or a customized size. There is a good variety of formats available. Using the first format, "Customized", allows to use any paper size. Default is still A4 after ISO 216 (DIN A4). This value is purely calculated, so changing it will only change the size of the paper and vice versa. As there are a few paper sizes with several names, using one of them might show another, for instance setting this option to "ANSI B" or "Ledger" will result in it having the value "Tabloid".
Whether the paper should be used in landscape orientation (wider than height) instead of portrait (higher than width) This value is also purely calculated, assigning a different value will simply swap the dimensions of the paper.
Margin on the right of the page, where no text is written.
Margin on the top of the page, where no text is written, besides the page markings.
Margin on the bottom of the page, where no text is written, besides the page markings.
Whether images should be shown interpolated (smoother) by the viewer when showing.
The maximimum zoom/scale factor of images in the PDF file.
Disables compression of the PDF file.
Documentation of the Delphi 7 Sources: 693MB (compressed) and 1181MB (not compressed).
The name of the PDF file to create in the directory (i.e. without path).
To what sub-level topics will be listed in the table of contents. So if you think it is too long, try removing the individual members/variables etc. by setting it to 3.
Whether additional Named Destinations should be generated for the help contexts. These can be used to show directly the topic of the help context without an additional lookup for the real internal name. The format of the names is "HC%d". As a result the PDF file will grow slightly in size.
Whether diagrams should be drawn directly via PDF commands as vector graphic instead of being included as an image. This is the default and preferred. Sometimes in these diagrams the text might slightly exceed the boxes they are in, but that and the reason for that, that only the three PDF fonts are available to draw the texts, is their only fault, their advantages are numerous: As vectors graphics they are freely scalable like the PDF file itself and therefore look much better if viewed at a not-optimal scaling factor. Their text is real text and can be searched and selected (although that is somewhat tricky as all the texts are links). The inclusion of the diagrams is much faster - PNG compression takes long on huge images - for vector graphics the number of operations increase much less than the image size. And finally the resulting PDF file will also be smaller (at least if compression of the PDF file is enabled, see option "DisablePDFCompression").


If the files showing the inter-dependence between the files should be generated. Xfig and WMF files can be generated. By default both will be generated, you can disable the formats with GenerateXFigFiles and/or GenerateWMFFiles.
If the files showing the inheritance tree of classes and interfaces should be generated. Xfig and WMF files can be generated. By default both will be generated, you can disable the formats with GenerateXFigFiles and/or GenerateWMFFiles.
If Xfig files should be generated showing the inter-dependence between the files or the inheritance tree of classes and interfaces.
If WMF files should be generated showing the inter-dependence between the files or the inheritance tree of classes and interfaces. WMF is a windows standard graphic format and can be inserted in most office programs.


Inserts a line break at each line break in the source code at the comment.
Whether a list for the documentation of the parameters should be created even if no one has been commented.
Whether an entry for the result of a function should be created even if it is not commented.
What sections of comments should be completely ignored.


The minimum size (number of lines) of the body of functions to be reported as long functions. All functions using more lines in its body will be reported with their size in a list in the documentation.
If comments of uncommented parameters should be searched in sections with the names of the parameters. This is only done if the parameter name does not equal any section name.
Filter some sections of the documentation of an identifier.
Filter some sections of the documentation of a file.
Filter some sections of the documentation (mostly lists).


Creates the CSS file only if it does not exist yet.
The file to insert instead of the default text at the beginning of each HTML file. The texts <topic>, <keywords>, <mainpath> and <encoding> will be replaced with the actual values, case does matter. <topic> will be replaced with the title of the page, <keywords> with all key words of the page and <mainpath> with the path to the main directory of the documentation, in most cases "" but may also be "../" or "../../", can be used for instance to link to the common CSS file. <encoding> will be replaced with the character enconding as specified with the option "CharacterEncoding".
The file to insert instead of the default text at the end of each HTML-file.
Name of the character encoding to set for the generated HTML files, for example: iso-8859-15, UTF-8, iso-8859-1, windows-1252.
Whether special HTML-characters should not be quoted and just passed on into the documentation, handy if the source code is commented with HTML format. All special characters, <, >, & and ", have to be quoted manually, if not used as HTML tags (as &lt;, &gt;, &amp; and &quot;). When employing this options of course generating the documentation in a format other than HTML will intersperse the text with the cryptic HTML tags.


The path and name of the HTML help compiler "hhc.exe". If not set the generator searches the compiler on its own.
Compile the HTML help project after generation.
The name of the CHM file to create in the directory (i.e. without path).
The source HTML files can be spread to several sub-directories. This makes it possible to generate HTML Help even for big projects on volumes formated with FAT32, which has some limitations on the number of files per directory. Be aware of this, if you use custom headers for the HTML files and you use a global file (f.i. the CSS file), that you have to prepend <mainpath> to the file's name. Either no sub-directories can be used or one sub-directory for each pascal file or even sub-sub-directories for all record-like types in the files.


Creates the help project file only if it does not exist yet.
Disables compression of the help file (a bit faster, but the help file will be more than twice the size).
The path and name of the help compiler "hcrtf.exe". If not set the generator searches the compiler on its own.
Compile the help project after generation.
The name of the Windows Help file to create in the directory (i.e. without path). This is important because the content file will be named the same way, and they can't just be renamed without losing the linkage between them.


Here are only a few options, you are expected to adjust the main file DelphiDoc.tex according to your needs.

Creates the main LATEX-file DelphiDoc.tex only if it does not exist yet (in case you want to change it).
Uses simple texts without links to refer to other identifiers etc.. That's more suitable for printing.
Whether special characters should be translated via the "CharTranslation_<nnn>" options. Some packages/versions of LATEX seem to support reading non ASCII texts and use an encoding, so the manual translation can be disabled here.
The characters the character with that ASCII code should be replaced with. LATEX has only a small set of normal characters, most character have to be created by commands or special character sequences. I don't know what sequences to use for each character and it may be character encoding dependent. So you have here the chance to define them yourself.


Uses the font Arial/Helvetica instead of Times New Roman.
Size of the font to use in points.
Factor of the size of the current font to get the distance to the next line.
Color of links inside the file as RGB integer value.
Color of links to the Word Wide Web as RGB integer value.
Color of links to other files as RGB integer value.
Use the font Courier, Arial / Helvetica or Times New Roman when printing number of pages etc..
Size of the font to use when printing number of page etc..
Style of the font to use when printing number of page etc..
Width of the pages in the file in centimeters, default is DIN A4.
Height of the pages in the file in centimeters, default is DIN A4.
Margin on the left of the page, where no text is written.
Margin on the right of the page, where no text is written.
Margin on the top of the page, where no text is written, besides the page markings.
Margin on the bottom of the page, where no text is written, besides the page markings.
If images should be shown interpolated (smoother) by the viewer when showing.
The maximimum zoom/scale factor of images in the PDF file.


Disables compression of the PDF file.
Documentation of the Delphi 7 Sources: 629 MB (compressed) and 1043 MB (not compressed).
The name of the PDF file to create in the directory (i.e. without path).
To what sub-level topics will be listed in the table of contents. So if you think it is too long, try removing the individual members/variables etc. by setting it to 3.

Options of the Extractors of Comments


The character that starts a new section inside of comments, by default "~". This option should probably always have the same value as the option "CommandChar" of the evaluator of the comments.
Don't split the comments into sections, this option should probably always have the same value as the option "DontParseComments" of the evaluator of the comments to treat them as a general comment without special characters.
SectionName_* (several)
The words the sections are marked with in the comments. Multiple names can be defined separated by commas.


Ignore all comments on identifiers (usefull if not commented for DelphiDoc).
Ignore all comments on files (usefull if not commented for DelphiDoc).
Get comments from the forward-declaration instead of the implementation if possible.
If no comment at the position of an identifier has been found, try its forward declaration or vice versa.
Get the comments on files after the first statement (after unit, program, etc.) (f.i. to skip legal comments).
Ignores comments if they don't start with a star "*". Be sure to also check RemoveLeadingStars to remove this star.
Removes leading stars in comments like used by other similar documentation tools.
Removes trailing stars in comments like used to emphasize the comment.
Use a Regular Expression to extract the content from the comments, the number of the sub-expression to use is set via "CommentPatternContentIndex". Regular Expressions are a powerful tool from the Unix world, here perl-like regular expressions can be used, a simple description is included in the help file with the DelphiDocs' source code (in \General\regexpr\TRegExpr.hlp) but a lot of tutorials can also be found in the world wide web. Remember to use ^ and $ to force the regular expression to match the whole comment, ^(.*)$ would match the whole comment in sub-expression 1. These are real Regular Expressions from the Unix world, don't confuse them with the very simple ones Delphi's IDE supports for searches.
The sub-expression in "CommentPattern" to use as the content of the comment; 0 to disable matching.
Regular Expression to extract the content from each line of comments, the number of the sub-expression to use is set via "CommentPatternContentIndex". See also "CommentPattern".
The sub-expression in "CommentPattern" to use as for each line as the content of the comment; 0 to disable matching.
Whether tabulator characters should be transformed to spaces, like the Delphi IDE does by default.
The width of a tabulator character (the distances between tab-stops) if "TransformTabToSpaces" is enabled.
Whether whitespaces at the end of lines should be removed, like the Delphi IDE does by default.
The marking of comments to be included in the documentation, all other comments, not starting with the marker, will be ignored, depending on option "CommentMarkerAction".
The action to do if comments have a special marker, the marker itself is defined by option "CommentMarker". Either the comments have no marker at all, and so all comments are used, or they are marked and only those comments are used in the documentation that contain the marker at their beginning. Then there is the third option, to still use all comments, but in case some are marked the marker will be removed so the marker itself won't show up in the documentation as part of the comments.
Whether the marker of the option "CommentMarker" has not to be directly at the beginning of the comments but some whitespaces may be before it.

Options of the Evaluators


The character that starts inline commands inside of comments, by default "~". This option should probably always have the same value as the option "SectionSeparator" of the extractors of the comments.
The character that starts an inline command after the "CommandChar" inside of comments. Should perhaps be changed, because the currently used character "[" is also used in Pascal.
The character that ends an inline command inside of comments. Should perhaps be changed, because the currently used character "]" is also used in Pascal.
Don't parse the comments, just treat them as a general comment without special characters. This option should probably always have the same value as the option "DoNotSectionize" of the extractor of the comments.

Options of the Parsers of Comments

There is currently no dialog to edit the option of these objects, so the option(s) can only be edited together with all combined options for the generation, i.e. with those of the generator, extractor and builder.


The file extension of the screenshots of GUIs which are documented as a help for them. By default the extension is ".bmp" for bitmaps. Please be aware that the leading dot is part of the extension. The only other supported image format that should be recommended for screen shots is probably PNG (extension ".png"), there should be no difference in the final documentation, although it might save some space on the hard disk as bitmaps are quite huge.


The character that starts inline commands inside of comments, by default "~". This option should probably always have the same value as the option "SectionSeparator" of the extractors of the comments.
The character that starts an inline command after the "CommandChar" inside of comments. Should perhaps be changed, because the currently used character "[" is also used in Pascal.
The character that ends an inline command inside of comments. Should perhaps be changed, because the currently used character "]" is also used in Pascal.
Don't parse the comments, just treat them as a general comment without special characters. This option should probably always have the same value as the option "DoNotSectionize" of the extractor of the comments.
Whether an empty line within the comment should be interpreted as the end of the paragraph, i.e. the same as ~[p].
Whether links on identifiers with empty text should use a link for each part of its used path instead of only a single on all/whether links without text should be split for each component. If an inline command to create a link on an identifier is used with a link target that contains dots ".", i.e. not just the name of the identifier to link to, but a whole path (like ~[link TheUnit.TheClass.TheMember]), and no text for the link is specified, the text of the link target is used as link text. If this option is enabled, instead of creating a link to the final identifier on the whole text, each part/component of the path will be written with a link to the file or identifier specified by it (like the same as ~[link TheUnit].~[link TheUnit.TheClass TheClass].~[link TheUnit.TheClass.TheMember TheMember]).
Whether comments of uncommented parameters should be searched in sections with the names of the parameters. This is only done if the parameter name does not equal any section name and, if option "OptionalCommandParameterBraces" is enabled, also not any inline command without parameters.
Whether the braces/brackets after inline commands are optional if no parameters are expected for the inline command. This is enabled by default, but you may want to disable it if option "ParamNamesAsSections" is enabled.
Whether the comments should (tried to be) automatically be inherited for classes or members when no comment has been specified for them. For classes the comment of the direct parent class will be used, for overridden methods and changed properties the comment of the original declaration will be used, for newly declared properties the comment of the identifier to read it will be used.
Whether the automatically generated aliases should be used when generating help for a GUI. These are for instance extracted for labels that use the FocusControl property to describe another control.
Whether the name of the topic of a linked component should be used as the alternative text for the link instead of the name of the component. It is now enabled by default, but it does not support inline commands (f.i. for formattings) in the topic. Only relevant for the HTML and HTML Help output formats anyway.
InlineCommandName_* (several)
The words identifying the inline command within the comments. Multiple names can be defined separated by commas. They must consist solely of ASCII letters, i.e. ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z'].

Options of the Builder of the Documentation

There is currently no dialog to edit the option of these objects, so the option(s) can only be edited together with all combined options for the generation, i.e. with those of the generator, extractor and parser.


Filters some sections of the comments of identifiers and files.
Filters some sections of the documentation of an identifier.
Filters some sections of the documentation of a file.
Whether a list for the documentation of the parameters should be created even if no one has been commented.
Whether an entry for the result of a function should be created even if it is not commented.

Options for the Creation of a Help on a GUI

There is no dialog to edit the option of these objects, so the option(s) can only be edited together with all combined options for the generation, i.e. with those of the generator, extractor and evaluator.
This object is also only used in the generators of the old internal system and as such will be removed in the future.


Whether the automatically generated aliases should be used when generating help for a GUI. These are for instance extracted for labels that use the FocusControl property to describe another control.
Whether the name of the topic of a linked component should be used as the alternative text for the link instead of the name of the component. It is now enabled by default, but it does not support inline commands (f.i. for formattings) in the topic. Only relevant for the HTML and HTML Help output formats anyway.

Options to localize the Documentation

These are of course no real options, but the texts to be used inside the documentation are edited with the same interface as all the options, but it may be easier to save the "options" to a file, edit that file and load it again.
There are two "options" that may actually be called that way, both are write-only and listed here:


Can be used to switch between predefined languages. Currently only "English" and "Deutsch"/"German" are available, unknown languages are ignored. This option is write-only and will always return an empty string.
Loads the texts from a file. Of course this can also be done in in other ways, in the GUI with the button "Load from File" and in both versions with the program parameter "-L". This option is write-only.